The Harry Watson Award

Presented to the member of the group who has, in the opinion of the leaders, been pleasant in their Scouting and gone further than could be expected to help others, to raise funds or to champion a cause they are passionate about.

2022 - Stefan Petraru

This Cub noticeably goes out of his way to take care of other Cubs - not just when they need help, but then he checks they are okay later.  He is always the first to put his hand up when you need assistance and often asks if help is required before you speak.  He has also earned his Silver Award by pushing himself and setting a great example to other Cubs.

2021 - Leo Streather-Hall, Beaver Scout

Leo is a fantastic young lad and despite his difficulties he never let him stop him. He always bought a smile and always had a story to tell.  Leo always accepted new beavers and became friends with them.  We hope you will continue onwards to Cubs.

2019 - Martha Pearce, Cub Scout

Ten years ago, Harry had almost completed his Gold Award and was awaiting its presentation later that autumn when he passed away.  He was an amazing young man that was intelligent, funny and caring.  Raising thousands of pounds for charity and acting as an ambassador for Rainbows and Dogs for the Disabled, despite his own personal difficulties.  His friends in Scouts made a trophy to present to a member of the group who embodies his spirit.  His Mum, Sharan, Dad, Pete and sister Holly are here to present the trophy tonight.
Martha always tries her best, joins in with everything, has a sunny disposition and brings out the best in the cubs that take the time to get to know her. She never ceases to amaze and inspire us with her strength of character and spirit

2018 - Debbie Crumley, Group Treasurer

This year, there is one person who has done so much for the group - from writing policies, to chasing subs, claiming grants and enabling all of the meetings, camps and activities to take place.  She also looks after two busy children, husband and now a dog.  On top of that, she has started a career again and dealt with quite a few personal challenges and still be incredibly efficient at turning information round and making sure the right people are paid quickly.  The Harry Watson Award is presented to Debbie Crumley, our Group Treasurer.

2017 - Matthew Denman, Scout

Matt Denman was chosen by the Scout Leaders for the work he has done on a Thursday, the preparation he does at home and the things he does for his sister.

2016 - Jack Roe, Scout

Jack always goes above and beyond in his contributions to Scouts.  He was a fundamental member of the Jersey Fundraising team and was always there early with a smile throughout the day to cheer everyone up.

2015 - Tom Gibbs, Young Leader

Tom made an amazing young leader- stepping up to the role after joining us from another group during his Scout career.  

2014 - Abigail and Jacob Atherton, Cub and Beaver

Having a parent who is ill and in hospital for a very long time can be very hard, but to be a child who has a parent ill and in hospital for a long time must be even harder. Abigail and Jacob's dad went into the hospital for a back operation at the beginning of the year and was hospitalized for a long while due to developing a very nasty infection in his back, this completely turned family life upside down. Abigail and Jacob had to become very independent with dad in the hospital and their mum having to work. They are an inspiration to so many young people, with their Dad now home but still unwell their constant dedication and determination in all that they do despite what they have had to deal with is remarkable. 
Note, the recipients below were most worthy of the award but citations were not passed on to list here.

2012 - Evan Mindham, Scout

2011 - Owen Wilcox, Scout

2010 - Owen Wilcox, Cub

Owen was nominated by the Cub Leadersfor his fundraising efforts and promotion of 4th Ashby Scout Group through presentations at school and the Rotary Club.

Awarded in memory of our friend, Harry, who passed away in November 2009. When he left us, Harry, aged 14 was awaiting the presentation of his Chief Scout's Gold Award. Despite considerable personal difficulties, Harry raised thousands of pounds and campaigned for and promoted several charitable causes to help others and was always cheerful himself.


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